Off to China…and Will The Nasdaq Beat Bitcoin to 6,000?

I am headed off the grid in Beijing for my first time. I was invited by Renn Renn ($RENN) to a Fintech CEO Palooza. Renn Renn has been investing heavily in the global Fintech space and I am excited to meet all the CEO’s, learn a few things about life and business in China and network.

I imagine when I come home a ‘Millennial’ will be president.

Amazingly I can write and post this live from an airplane…more impressive it’s United Airlines.

Not much in the markets makes sense to me these days. I am long and have no idea why prices just keep going up. I honestly don’t care as long as it lasts forever.

The cynics could point out the following:

1. Every venture funding announcement sounds like it was written by The Comedy Channel.

2. Wall Street is broken but banks and brokers are at major highs. They are the luckiest knuckleheads on the planet. I am long Schwab and Interactive Brokers.

3. A bitcoin ‘stealth’ starup raised $120 million despite the coins themselves being down 80 percent and the founding CEO gone. Visa and Mastercard are giggling from their own all-time highs

4. I have to pay JP Morgan to hold my cash that the FED printed for me. I am watching Scarface to remind myself how to negotiate with my banker.

5. Carl Icahn just sold his book – ‘Letters to Tim Cook from my Grave…and why Apple will be undervalued until Forever’.

Luckily, I am an optimistic cynic which has kept me sane and long. For those run over and bearish, you will have your day. In the meantime, I am going very long dumplings and noodles.

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