Overheard on StockTwits: $AAPL, $GOOG, $F, and Pharmaceutical Silliness

Each day we dig into the StockTwits stream and try to bring you the morning buzz.  Here’s what we found today:

$AAPL always a popular topic on StockTwits.  Today they followed $GOOG’s lead and bought a mobile-ad play, Quattro Wireless:

Great to have bond experts like @bondscoop on StockTwits.  He points to a possible UST short squeeze:

For all the hate they get and their evil-ness $GS Conviction list probably beat most people last year:

A major number for $AAPL: 3 BILLION downloads in their App Store and 1 billion in the last 4 months:

Never realized the pharmaceutical industry was so funny:

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A really funny comment on CES by @Contrahour:

I notice this tweet this morning and how strong $F has been lately and later in the day they blow out sales forecast.  Ah the power of StockTwits to bring the IMPORTANT information to you first:

The stream was abuzz this morning about the downside surprise in Pending Home Sales.  @bondscoop, as usual, cuts through the noise and appears to be right as the market didn’t really react.

The Ags are on fire and Agricultural ETF $MOO is at new 52-week highs:

Two “next shoe to drop tweets”.  One from @ShiftCTRL and another from the very-astute @wood83.  IF another shoe does drop I can’t for the life of me see it being Japanese HYPERINFLATION.

Another sector out to an early 2010 lead is financials.  A lot of smart people on the stream were buying $C at the latest secondary.

Nice to see MSM types embracing StockTwits.  @JBoorstin says that a 3D TV network is on the way.  Maybe we should do StockTwits TV in 3D and jump on that trend early: