Overheard on StockTwits: $JPM, $INTC, Whiffs of Job Growth, $AAPL iPad Hot

The rally continues this morning with good earnings from $JPM and $INTC among others and bullish economic numbers.  Here’s the morning StockTwits buzz:

$JPM CRUSHED earnings on great fixed income trading.  Stock’s up 3% today.

The $AAPL iPad appears to be a huge success at first:

Deep in the $INTC and $JPM reports is job growth – which, up until now, has been the 800-lb gorilla in the room that the disbelievers are pointing to.

The StockTwits stream nailed $KLIC.  Great case where technicals lead the fundamentals.

As @charlesrotblut points out, a “Goldilocks Recovery” can only last so long.

Anecdotal, but interesting observation on $HD.

Could buybacks be making a comeback? $RIMM popping on news this morning.

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