Overheard on StockTwits: The Market's Story, $ATVI, $USDJPY, and Looming OpEx

It was busy morning so today’s Overheard will be short.  The markets are off a bit at this time and there is a air of caution on the StockTwits stream today.  Here’s the morning buzz:

This is the conundrum facing many investors.  Whether the market is discounting properly or not.  Nice tweet from @researchpuzzler.

$ATVI raised estimates but the market is still focused on the long term (as @TMTanalyst points out).  I like @Benzinga’s idea for long term growth with $ZYNGA

Bullish sentiment continues to pick up (and why not).

The action in the $USDJPY should have been an early warning signal to the US Equities.  Something to watch:

@oktobernv lays out the case for volatility going into the end of the week: