Overheard on StockTwits: Return of Goldilocks?, $DTV and $GLD strong, Retailers Weak, $AVF $AVV Idea

The selloff continues this morning as Greece fears persist.  While Greece and the $EURUSD is definitely the talk on the StockTwits we figured we’d take a step back and give you the (almost) Greece-Free Edition of today’s Overheard:

@charlesrotblut points out that recent economic data presents a Goldilocks type scenario.  We know what happened last time.  Goldilocks is a fairy-tale:

Talk of the stream early this morning was Barry’s post that he was all cash@agwarner has a humorous tweet below that presents a world as it should be, where bloggers views are more important than mainstreams pundits:

$DTV had great earnings and is one of the few bright spots in today’s market:

Another strong area today is $GLD (we mentioned that on Back Page Wednesday on StockTwitsTV a few weeks back!)

Retailers are getting killed on crappy comps.  As tax returns and pent up demand start to dwindle Retailers could be an interesting short:

Great advice from someone who has had an excellent feel of the market lately @jfahmy:

The last time @hedgefundinvest mentioned $AVF and $AFF it was a great trade.  Saying they look attractive again here:

This is definitely the truth today.  A oldie but goodie post from @ReformedBroker on this:

As @stevenplace mentions Greece story is definitely a known quantity now and very mainstream.  While the problems can persist it is better looking for alpha elsewhere:


  1. Dave Pinsen says:

    You should have overheard my tweets about shorting PXP and HGSI this morning, complete with links to blog posts spelling out my rationale for each short. Also recommended would be my tweet after the close, which linked to blog post including a picture that was worth a 1000 Dow points.

    How are your curators missing this stuff? :-)

    • we are working hard on surfacing the best tweets, part of that is the
      communities job which today was very busy in awe of the shot going down.

      open to your suggestions. and great going as those were great calls.

          • Mark Essel says:

            Bingo! good stuff.

            Of course you have to push your Likes to mother Facebook, otherwise you know they’re just likes, not the Open Graph API One Ring to Rule them all Social Web

          • Dave Pinsen says:

            Great minds, Mark & Howard.

            IMO, this will be an improvement over just having intern curation. I can see how an intern for StockTwits might fear the wrath of Lindzon. That might make the intern wary of taking a risk in highlighting a tweet from a rogue knucklehead like Dave Pinsen. It would be safer to stick with the current recommended folks. That’s the safe route for a curator, but safe can get stale.

            Another point is that you probably want to find the right balance between tweets that mention and link to actionable investing ideas and more social/commiserating posts. You want both, of course, because this is a social medium, but highlighting actionable ideas — particularly ones that are uncommon in the mainstream — would demonstrate the utility of StockTwits as a source of unique ideas.

  2. Pingback: Howard Lindzon » Blog Archive » Overheard on StockTwits: Return of … | DTV Answers
  3. Dave Pinsen says:

    You should have overheard my tweets about shorting PXP and HGSI this morning, complete with links to blog posts spelling out my rationale for each short. Also recommended would be my tweet after the close, which linked to blog post including a picture that was worth a 1000 Dow points.

    How are your curators missing this stuff? :-)

  4. we are working hard on surfacing the best tweets, part of that is the
    communities job which today was very busy in awe of the shot going down.

    open to your suggestions. and great going as those were great calls.

  5. Mark Essel says:

    Bingo! good stuff.

    Of course you have to push your Likes to mother Facebook, otherwise you know they're just likes, not the Open Graph API One Ring to Rule them all Social Web

  6. Dave Pinsen says:

    Great minds, Mark & Howard.

    IMO, this will be an improvement over just having intern curation. I can see how an intern for StockTwits might fear the wrath of Lindzon. That might make the intern wary of taking a risk in highlighting a tweet from a rogue knucklehead like Dave Pinsen. It would be safer to stick with the current recommended folks. That's the safe route for a curator, but safe can get stale.

    Another point is that you probably want to find the right balance between tweets that mention and link to actionable investing ideas and more social/commiserating posts. You want both, of course, because this is a social medium, but highlighting actionable ideas — particularly ones that are uncommon in the mainstream — would demonstrate the utility of StockTwits as a source of unique ideas.

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