Prison Break on Wallstrip…CXW

I don’t own it, but I am tempted.

If Guns, War, Alcohol, Tobacco, Porn, Pulluters and Nuclear Materials are the ultimate trending businesses, shouldn’t the private prison be an ever upward trending business to own as well?

Today we take a look at Corrections Corporation (CXW) on Wallstrip .

I am breaking the all-time high rules for a business that is booming and running straight upward since 2001. That’s a trend worth following – especially when only 19 states are represented by the Company.

I am holding off because it seems to be a business full of long sales cycles, politicians, and corruption. Don’t let that hold you back from looks like a very strong trend. I am open minded and looking for more information on this one.

Here is the Google Start Page , which is a great place to start.

Disclosure – No positions

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