Seize the day!

Another beautiful day today in Phoenix.

I was just over at Chartreuse’s website . He had a rough week in the hospital and has a renewed vigor and some changes he is making. I am happy for his health and all the renewed “piss and vinegar” – old fart!

As part of today’s post he YouTubed a great scene from one of my all-time fave movies – “Fight Club”:

I take constant ribbing for my manic behavior towards projects and people. I am quite insecure about a lot of things – never about my passions.

Seize the day!


  1. Ian Baird says:

    Couldn’t agree more! As a fellow Phoenician, I enjoyed the weather by having a marvellous outdoor Thai/Sushi meal with my wife at Malee’s @ Tatum. Plan on sitting on the back porch tonight with a cigar and some port. Enjoy and take care, love your blog.

    – Ian

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