Shooting in New York

Dominic is a great photographer and was kind enough to shoot some behind the scenes stuff that we were shotting for Wallstrip.

Our first show is now firmly slated for October 16th. No turning back now.

In this photo I am trying to figure out my freaking Motorola Q – no luck still :) :


Adam and Jeff found us a great studio in NOHO and Chartreuse and I lounged around and discussed world peace and Paris Hilton most of the time. Char does not like to be filmed so we shoot him from the back a lot. Damn Poets!


I finally got to “THE” Apple Store on Madison Avenue. It was much smaller from the outside, but still a landmark for sure and is really something to see from the inside.


My American Express Card got really warm as we approached the store which I though was a real phenomenon and worth filming. Adam wanted to touch it and Trader Mike was working out the probabilities.



  1. Eddie Daroza says:

    stylin yo. Like the studio shot. You guys are rad. We shot three vids for you today. Straight punk.

  2. Mr Angry says:

    Char doesn’t like to be filmed? He’s the most extroverted camera shy individual I’ve ever heard about!

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