SmartLinks for Stocks from Adaptive Blue…AWESOME

I knew that Adaptive Blue’s SmartLinks would be awesome for stock research. Alex, the founder, cranked out the first bit of code and design.

Here is what it looks like in the first generation:


I love that we (stock bloggers, finance and biz sites) will be able to pull relevant information and choices immediately about the stock.

Eventually, I want you to see whether I own the stock and all the stocks I own, but be patient.

Let me know what else you think would be important information or links inside the Stock Smart Links.

Alex explains how he creates this in detail on the Adaptive Blue Blog .

I have more of MY STOCKS on the right sidebar on my blog.


  1. Pingback: BlueBlog » SmartLinks for Stocks
  2. Jason says:

    Buy Investment Research on Google. This can be arranged with third party vendors that sell WSR on the web.

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