Social Investing – Tech Crunch just barfed out a post

I love TechCrunch .

BUT, this is a real lame effort at a post on Social Networks and stocks . I know why some people now get mad that their companies are not previewed on the site.

If you spend much time on the following sites:

Social Picks Pick my arssss, Pick my nose, but please don’t pick my stocks!
Feeling Bullish ? Better yet – Feeling Bullshit?
BULLPOO At least they can sell the name to a Farming 2.0 site :)
Gradr Oy!
DigStock Oy cubed :( !

YOU WILL BE WASTING TIME. If you invest based on what you read – why not just head over to your local Indian Casino.

The Good news is that the sites I just linked to – have NO chance.

The Good news is that, the whole Markets 2.0 space is still wide open.

That’s cool – Good News / Good News.

Here is the real truth .


  1. Well, when faced with a list of nicknames like that, I’m kind of glad that we stayed away from bull-oriented names.

    Howard–I think you might have misinterpreted our mission. If you’re interested, I’d like to get your thoughts on what we’re actually trying to do. Drop me a line if you’d be willing to carry on this conversation.

  2. Howard Lindzon says:

    Thanks jason – i sent you my phone number to discuss what I see are the issues if you like

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