These Solar Stocks are Making me Thirsty….and How to Make a Financial John Stewart Show Every Day

I loved this Seinfeld bit:

Solar Stocks are glowing, rising, insert pun here __________.

The Stocktwits streams have been thumping the last few weeks in a bullish tone about them. Even I own one $SPWR for our model portfolio that I have been mentioning.

Here is the sentiment over the last few months as they rise:

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Josh Brown who does not even like talking about individual stocks, loved them a year ago (great call), but it does not matter since he has but a lowly blog. He followed up yesterday with another bullish piece.

Just over a year ago, these same solar stocks were making CNBC and Bank of America very…. ‘CRANKY’.

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The good news?… In doing my research on this old story, CNBC served me up business stories on the right that will help me print money today. Stories like ‘Inside the Thigh Master’s Mansion’. How is it possible that CNBC’s digital strategy could be so much worse than their television strategy? The executive team at CNBC is magical in a way that coal is magical for air quality.

It must be hard for CNBC to find intelligent people on technology to talk to about solar. It took me about three seconds to ask Marc Andreesen for his quick thoughts on the subject last night:

Now go punch up a few solar stocks since this call last year. Most are up 400-500 percent.

It’s easy to pick on CNBC, they are the big evil media company and Google gave us a search box to fact check and fill in some blanks. Don’t shoot the messenger here. Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert and John Oliver have made fortunes off the simple ‘formula’ I am using with this solar example (I do wish I had their research and editing team for a real financial daily show). Their CNBC is Fox and CNN. Their Bank of America and Goldman Sachs Analysts are Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly.

It’s a comedic formula. Sadly with business TV like CNBC, the comedy is also financial tragedy.


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