Still Hooked on Oakley and adding a little Nike – AND Dreaming of the perfect sporting goods merger.

I am revisiting the stock of Oakley for the following reasons:

Footwear and eyewear. I love their sandals and golf shoes. Cops love their boots. Here is the vision of my affection:


The oRockr’s have stereo built in headsets that fit better than ever, comfy frames and the ability to switch from music to phone with a touch of a button – all wirelessly.

They offer a little wireless adapter for any iPod that weighs an ounze but turns the Oakley glasses into a wireless set of frames for music and phone calls. Less chips needed in the frame gives them a sleeker look.

I have tried them and they are awesome.

I still have a big problem with the store setup, but they have cleaned it up a little.

With Nike running on all cylindars and a weak eyewear division, the match has never seemed more synergistic. By Buying oakley, Nike can outfit all their cool, mainstream hoop, golf, tennis and football stars in Oakley/iPod enabled WiFi phones and music glasses. Tiger hitting range balls in a pair of these would just be sweet!

Just Do it!

Disclosure – Long Nike, Oakley, Adobe, Apple, Akamai, Webx, OIL


  1. Mike says:


    I have an orginal pair of Oakley pumps (512 MB) and they are the best thing since sliced bread – Look Ma’ no wires.

    I didn’t know about the new features – phone and iPod connectivity. Looks like I will be upgrading soon.

    P.S. You stole my thunder on Oakley Thunps, but mayb e I can find something more to write about them.

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