Stocktwits as The American Idol of Finance

Last week my friend and super talented The Reformed Broker (Josh) hosted Stocktwits/CNN new show called the ‘Bullhorn’.

What was fun is that the show now had two people from the Stocktwits community as the guests as CNN last us have the show. CNN has been very open about the power of Stocktwits ‘The Human Ticker’ and the new voices that have sprung up. The ‘Bullhorn’ should be the first of many shows to showcase the new voices and we have a few other content deals up our sleeves for the best and most interesting voices in our community.

I have no doubt in my mond that Josh should be hosting a show over at CNN Money, hopefully more where I get to talk stocks and markets as we grow an audience for our show and ‘The Human Ticker’.

Here is a link to Josh’s show.


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