Tagged: Trading

Can Computers Pick Stocks?

You can pick your nose and you can pick your friends, but you can’t pick your family. According to the New York Times – Ray Kurzweil thinks you can’t pick stocks either and you should leave it to computers. “Artificial intelligence is becoming so deeply integrated into our economic ecostructure that some day computers will …

Web Free.0 – yes!

Scott Rafer of MyBlogLog just linked me to this Om malik story about Zecco . Zecco briefly: Morten Lund, the guy who was the earliest backers of Skype is at it again. He has financed Zecco, a start-up that will allow consumers to trade stocks for zero commissions, versus $10 to $20 that many online …

Stock Blogging – Deep

I am adding The Kirk Report to my stock market blogroll. Kirk goes deep everyday, digging up stock articles and market news. He has a track record worth boasting about and a nice, simple delivery. Along with Trader Mike you can get a good reading of the market on a daily basis. Can’t biiitch about …