The EASY Money has been made in the Global Markets

I have been looking back at a few months worth of my posts related to stocks and one thing was obvious – making money had become way too easy.

After a drop of almost 700 quick Dow points, the only prediction I will make is…making money in the market will be harder.

I am not shorting like crazy because of a few bad days and I am not ‘backing up the truck’ for bargains.

I am doing less. I am going to nibble on my fave brands and trends and work on other things until trends reassert themselves.

Some great email questions today and I tried to get them all. I love that at least 30 people that watch Wallstrip were emailing about opening their first stock account after this decline and start investing.

It’s time to find the best online broker for young people that just want to keep it simple and not get gauged in fees.


  1. Broker A says:


    These fuckers are blowing themselves to smitherines for $10 per trade.

    As you probably know, the whole discount broker thingy has its setbacks, such as: most people don’t know what the fuck they are doing.

    But, hey, I am somewhat biased.

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