The Global Bull Case…The Taste of Money and Wealth is Intoxicating

India, China, Brazil, Mexico and Russia and Malaysia. They all have this in common…massive 5-year runs. Will they continue though?

Wealth makes even hardened ruler freaks do the right thing in favor of further wealth.

Sure the criminals are raging too, but the little people have a taste of money and they like it. ALWAYS. The rich powerful dudes know this and only the sickest leadership f#*s deny citizens their fair share. Bush Jr. may suck balls, but he has become the crazy white dude that walks into post offices shooting. Iraq is just a bigger post office. Psycho leaders are on notice.

Check out what Putin and The ‘Russkies’ are doing . Business friendly and Russia…Not two terms you are used to hearing in the same breath.

Look at China….taking proactive measures to force the banks to be careful . Could be jive talk or maybe it’s real. Like the Velociraptors in Jurassic Park…they are learning :) .

The Arabs may even be starting to get supply and demand. Saudi Arabia just had a market crash and so they are being forced to learn as well. About time, but you get the point.

Furthermore, some of the Arab oil wealth is actually dripping down to the peasants this cycle and creating infrastructure needs and real growth and demand . The bears look at this data point and see war/shortages and panic as the end game. I look at it and say maybe something good could happen. We at home can finally move on to alternatives and new profit centers. Last check of solar stock says we are!

It’s not just Chipotle’s that can glean info from hardened international McDonald’s execs on how to grow faster and smarter…countries can do it too.

We live in a time where information and technology is flowing so freely and cheaply that maybe we are getting smarter on a global basis and maybe things may just be good (save the war and human atrocities – that shit never changes).

The glass is always half-full in my house. You need to look at it that way too to make the easy money. The market has been handing it out the last few years. Don’t overthink it.

Disclosure – Long EWM, oil, gold, SINA and a dumb bull.


  1. greenskeptic says:

    Excellent post: “The glass is always half-full in my house. You need to look at it that way too to make the easy money. The market has been handing it out the last few years. Don’t overthink it.” Is worth all the investing books published over the past 20 years.

    Boo-yah Putz!

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