Cepheid (CPHD) On Wallstrip…Pass The Molecules!

First off, I am buying this stock this morning. Cepheid has been rocking .

Hat tip to my reader ‘Boca Girl’ bringing this wild and recent high flier to my attention back in October. We finally got our hands around an idea and a show for this Wallstrippy stock .

‘Boca Girl’ says it is their diagnostic test for ‘Staph’ infections. They have my attention with all their big medical words on their website . The website is pretty lame beyond that.

Financially, the company is no great shakes but that is typical for most biotech companies. Expensive to own. Risky. Prone to wild rides because of what they do and analysts inability to measure it consistently if at all.

What I do, as I have done with HNSN, CYNO ESRX, GPRO, DSCP (yesterday), QDEL, LIFC and AUXL is take a one-third position and give the stock some room. Now that they are all listed out in order, this must be the most medical/biotech stocks I have ever owned at one time. They have all been good to me, which is even more rare.

Don’t let me down Cepheid!

Brian has a good look at the technical picture and talks about possible entries. He thinks I am chasing it here. Time will tell, but I may be adding a few shares lower. No worries:

Disclosure – Long all the stocks in this post


  1. HelicalZz says:

    I like that your ‘biotech’ selections made up of companies with real products and growing revenues. Still mostly small cap risky stocks, but at least they sell something. Most view biotech investing as little more than speculating on the next clinical trial result from companies that never heard of revenues.

    Ralph (Zz)

  2. Pingback: 12-11-07 Cepheid (CPHD) | Wallstrip

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