The Green Roulette Square in the Markets – Sometimes You Just HAVE TO Save People

Stupid people don’t deserve to be saved. Sometimes, they just get saved though and they get carried along with the tide.

Those hedge funds that have been puking because they don’t know anything about liquidity, leverage or the products they owned got a momentary reprieve yesterday.

I love the no uptick rule for shortsellers. Anything that levels the playing field is always good in capital markets. But , newbiews were treating it like it was a new toy the last few weeks.

The shorts became too giddy. They longs started panicking and than came late to the short party.

In the end, the shorts forgot that there is a GREEN number on the roulette wheel. In the financial markets, that green square is ‘THE FED’.

They timed it perfectly. GREEN came up on the wheel and the payoff came deservedly for those willing to make the bet. It was a bet. With the Nikkei down 800 points even after the Dow rally, today would have been ugly. That’s why I sold all my merchandise purchased yesterday into the pre-open. It really is a mess and won’t be solved by this one Fed move. If it was not a mess, they would not have stepped in. They don’t want to have to save people.

I feel for the shorts, but maybe next time, they won’t forget about the GREEN roulette square.

Disclosure – Love the Fed…today!

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