The Magic of Vestaboard

Before I get started…

The new Aziz Ansari Netflix comedy special was really funny.


Back in 2016 I made a small personal investment in Vestaboard. I forget how I met Dorrian (I forget what I had for lunch yesterday…and we chatted yesterday and I forgot to ask him how me wet), but when he described the product and vision – and I heard the sound – I had to be involved.

It has been a long, hard road for Dorrian and his team to design, build, source and now…keep up with demand (I am looking forward to having him on the podcast soon).

We have one at home that we love. It is a beautiful, unique piece of art that is also very modern and digital:

Tom bought one for the office (he paid full retail) and hung it yesterday:

We all have the app and can change the messages…the sound is my favorite part of course. We are sending messages all day.

If you want to buy one, use this code you can get a $200 discount and some more pictures are attached below.