The Nintendo Wii gives NEW life to an old TREND – Gaming

I am not a gamer. That may change soon.

‘Guitar Hero’ does nothing for me. It seems I am in the minority. The PSP is cool and my son is addicted, but my daughter Rachel could give a hoot.

I know the Wii seems like old news, but it is not. Investors are clamoring for the stock , despite it being a pink sheet inhabitant.

I have passed on the Wii hype for now because I figured we had a Playstation 2 or 3 and my son rarely plays.


I saw the Electronic Arts commercial for Tiger Woods Wii Golf game and the WHOLE family went WOO for the Wii at the same time. This is a can’t miss homerun. This is great for golf, families, gaming, Wii, and Electronic Arts. That’s just off the top of my head.

I just saw Andy’s post on Wii and I am reminded of the two extra addiction and adoption factors – ease of use and big screen TV’s.

The obvious long-term benefactors remain the same: Electronic Arts (ERTS), Nintendo (NTDOY.PK), Activision (ATVI), Gamestop (GME), Best Buy (BBY) and even Sony (SNE).

Sony is a play because they will adopt and Nintendo will make mistakes. Their ‘faux’ shortage games have already started . Sony’s distribution power is not to be underestimated.

Today, Gamestop (GME) exploded to another all-time high and Activision looks poised. Electronic Arts was up big as well. Sony has been on a tear of late despite the Wii kicking it’s ass.

I am glad to have caught Electronic Arts down 20 percent. Keep your eye on this sector for inevitable selloffs as their will continue to be massive gains in the years ahead.

On Wallstrip , we have covered Sony and Electronic Arts . Looks like we will be doing more on this sector in the months and years ahead.

Any other obvious winners worthy of Wallstrip ?

BTW – If we legalize marijuana, these stocks double overnight :) .

Disclosure – Long ERTS and buying a few shares of Nintendo tomorrow and hoping it has an immediate hiccup. I have never inhaled.


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  2. Dan says:

    I haven’t played video games since college. A few weeks ago Isabel and I went to her friend’s place and played the Wii. We bought one that week. Since then, everyone that has played ours has said they want to buy one. They are just going to keep flying off the shelves.

  3. Pingback: Howard Lindzon » Wii on Wallstrip - Nintendo is Rocking but will it Continue?

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