The Political Pendulum Swing – If it happens who wins and loses. Let's find some trends….

No one and I mean no one knows less about politics than me. I am easily swayed so a useless pitch. You have my vote until the next person comes in and shakes my hand.

We don’t need sides, we need leaders. A good leader has a sense for what’s important and dedicates the proper resources and energy at the issue. A good leader has a plan and the people in place to carry out the plan. A good leader has a sense for rallying the troops and adapting.

I could not a pick a good leader out of a lineup but I know one when I see one.

We are short on leaders these days. For that matter, when we vote next I would gather that the pendulum will swning and maybe swing big. It is not something I am betting on, just a sense of a change in trend. I have no interest in timing that change.

Fred sees the change coming as well:

For the past six years our country has been taken right, very right, to a place where we fight the war against terror in a place it didn’t start and where we clearly can’t win it, to a place where we spy on our own citizens, where we threaten to deny women the right to control their own bodies, and to a place where the all the economic growth is routed to the people already occupying the top rung on the ladder.

I have said before on this blog that the political pendulum swings in both directions. Our country swung too far left in aftermath of the new deal and the civil rights movement (both good things) and too far right in the wake of the reagan revolution.

Now I have no political opinion on Fred’s thoughts and don’t judge a person for his/her politics – unless they stand for hate and lack a tolerant view.

If the pendulum is swinging though – which industries and stocks will win and which will lose.? Please get the conversation started and let’s find some trends.


  1. David says:

    Funny, because my wife and I just had 2 babies in the last 3 years, and I have yet to hear her complain about a lack of control over HER body. In fact, she’s been extremely happy with the amazing level of care that her body received through both processes.

    Of course, she wasn’t trying to kill the babies before they came out, so perhaps that’s a different experience.

  2. Howard Lindzon says:


    Thanks for your comment. The post is not political its about a possible trend change and who may the new market leaders be.

    I am glad for your political conviction and healthy 2 babies though

  3. David says:

    I hear ya. Great blog.

    I see no evidence that things are shifting though…even conservatives don’t like Bush because he’s not a conservative, so his poll numbers aren’t indicative of Democratic gains, just his losses.

    Lamont is going to get trounced by Lieberman and no one trusts the looney-lib owned Democratic party to protect the country.

    When people vote, they’ll think “well, stocks are pretty high, unemployment is low and nothing has blown up”….just my 2 cents man.

  4. Howard Lindzon says:

    I dont know how we will vote yet actually. fred sees a big change i am not convinced.

    The stock market leads and I see no true signs other than chop which means the money (big money) is undecided.

    The big money will vote and you will get a sense when the stocks start moving.

    By the way – sorry for the mixup over the blogging times – I notice that I thought you were another dave.

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