The SinDex ETF…Genius Marketing

Hats off to the freaks that created the SinDex…symbol PUF . Genius.

Thanks Eddy

No idea on whether I will own this, but after a big selloff I would definitely be looking hard. Chime in if you feel inclined.

Disclosure- Long Filth and Destruction


  1. mrkcbill says:

    To much legal exposure in sin. Holy rollers will legislate you to death on this stuff. Smoking in USA can not be a high growth proposition. City’s are going smokeless one by one. What used to be mainstream is now taboo. Gaming has become tired in my opinion every Metro in America now has a shitty casino to go play in. Any Joe with a IP address can get a bet down on anything every night.
    Vegas is saved only by the Celine’s and Cirq. etc.
    Which all means its probably a screaming buy.

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