The StockDroid…So SIMPLE So EASY…Even UpsideTrader Likes It.

Yesterday we were blown away by all the great feedback on our StockTwits iPhone App.  We were equally astounded by all the requests we got for an Android app.  It really shows the traction $GOOG has made w/ their mobile platform.  I just got a Droid phone the other day and I love it.

Today we give you the StockDroid app.

StockDroid is an amazingly simple quote and news app.  It allows you to easily monitor your entire portfolio, view current stock information, see charts and read real-time curated content from Abnormal Returns.

While StockDroid isn’t a StockTwits client, we made it to fill a hole in the Android market, and also to get used to developing on the Android platform.  We plan to begin developing a fully-functional StockTwits Android app in the near future.

To our Android users – we hear you and we’re on it!


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