Thinktank? Ya Right!

The new headquarters of Wallstrip is a cool place. Dominic is taking the pictures (Happy Birthday buddy) , I am the chubby bald guy in front and from left to right in the back are Jeff Marks, Chartreuse and Adam Eland.



  1. Jordan Glasner says:

    Jealous doesn’t even begin to explain my emotion. My wall of computers just doesn’t compare.

    Can’t wait to see Wallstrip

  2. candice says:

    At least they’re black. One of my clients has this pair of yellow ones; he says his daughter refuses to be seen in public with him in them.

    Agreed on ny in the fall. I miss the place. I went to college (round one) in Rochester, what you did on long weekends and holidays is go hang out with the kids who live in the city and jersey.

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