Tiger Woods – Deep

I love Tiger Woods. I want my son to watch him and emulate him when it comes to competition. Every father should.

I like ESPN for the most part and really like ESPN the website. The only problem with ESPN – the network – is the talking heads. Sports is about the teams, the game, the competition. The “stars” of ESPN seem to have forgotten that. I generally watch sports in silence or with music. I relish the day when I can watch sports after choosing my announcers.

ESPN is to Sports what CNBC should be to the Markets. Thank goodness for me and other stock bloggers it isn’t.

In a ten year tribute to Tiger Woods, ESPN has put together a flawless 5-part Tiger Woods internet bonanza .

There was much to learn about how to properly tell a great story on the internet. I have been glued to the show and commentary for an hour.

Kudos to the great franchise that is ESPN. Awesome stuff.