Top 100 Finance Blogs – from ValueWiki

These guys are working hard and although the rankings do not mean that much other than popularity (it’s nice to be high on the list for sure), it is a great list to find some financial bloggers that may appeal to you.

I think that you should be reading the tech aggregation sites and some of the venture capitalists to see the trends that are developing and how your stocks can be affected, but I read many of the blogs on the list and will slowly explore the rest.


  1. Broker A says:

    The list if fixed.

    As you can see, Alexa purposely lowers the ranking of The Fly– by distorting the traffic data.

    Some may call me paranoid, but I believe “they are out to get me.”

  2. Tom says:

    Ah, that list isn’t complete at all. They forget Digital Breakfast! I should rank up in 40’s for TR at least!

    I agree with Broker A, the list IS fixed.

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