Tour De Farce

Oh man is the Tour a Farce at this point.

I used to live for this event. Hard to believe but I was an avid triathlete back in the day. One hundred mile rides were the norm and carbo loading was ‘good’.

Here is what LeMond had to say on the stand today after fellow American Landis forced him onto the stand:

“The sport is paying the price for all the dishonesty and lies,” he said. “The whole house of cards is starting to crumble.”

LeMond alsdo admitted to being molested as a 6 year old because of a vicious blackmail attempt by Floyd.

Let’s just admit it, they all freaking dope it. Lance Armstrong Too. The race is no longer about survival, its about winning and cheating and money. I have gone from living the event, to forgetting about it.

They need to totally fix this race. No pace cars, no help on the road, no nothing. Survive.

Sad day for sports. Really sad.


  1. Bruce says:

    Ya think Lance doped after cancer? before yes, but after? … probably. Theres a lot of smoke there .. where theres smoke, theres …..

  2. Howard Lindzon says:

    fire? :)

    he doped and they all doped. Its impossible to win without it. impossibble.

  3. Howard Lindzon says:

    Half Inronman in Lake Placid. Broke me. Went out a winner. Now enjoy looking at my bike.

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