Weekend Wallstrip – I want a New Blackberry CURVE

I hate AT&T and finally capture it on video this weekend.

I am sick of different models for different carriers.

All Verizon, Sprint, AT&T and T-Mobile do is set themselves up to fail when Google and Apple team on a free wireless iPhone from Google. If not Google, somebody.

I think the race is over and Apple and RIMM will forever gain marketshare in handsets. I am happy to use both now.

Give the rest of them steak knives.


  1. its about time howard. we’ve been talking about this curve thing since may.

    glad you finally got hip with the phone.

    what happens to your verizon contract?

  2. You know, the real problem I do have so far re APPL is that they too lock their mobile phone. I think in the long run this is gonna cost them market share. Like you said. Who would want a locked phone?

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