WKRP in Cincinatti

Next to Seinfeld, most of Taxi and the early years of M.A.S.H., WKRP ranks as the top ensemble comedy ever.

Herb Tarlich, Less Nessman, Johnny fever – the best.

I have not found my favorite WKRP clip yet on YouTube (Johnny Fever drinking in the studio), but Michael Parekh linked to the awesome Thanksgiving Episode. Genius. Even the opening tune!

One question – why no DVD series?


  1. Bill aka NO DooDahs says:

    One of my favorite episodes, other than the pilot, and the one where Loni is moving, and the piano gets away from the movers, rolls down the street and explodes a Pinto. IMO Bailey was the real hottie.

    Wild turkeys fly very well. It’s the domesticate turkey that can’t, they are kept penned until killed. They have been bread to get so heavy the males often can’t walk after the first year.

    My cuz unintentionally picked a stand under a turkey roost during deer season once. Needless to say, no deer came by that evening with all the clucking and gobbling going on.

  2. Duncan Lamb says:

    i have heard wkrp cant come out on dvd because of licensing issues with all the oldies music that was on the show during broadcasts… ive read it would cost a fortune to license it all.

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