Zillow continues to roll…

I love Zillow. I have no passion for real estate, but that does not stop me from digging their service, site and features. They are finally bringingdisruption possibilities to an ancient industry. Not by themselves of course, but still. Zillow is the poster child for a perfect Web 2.0 company…so far.

Today, they are rolling out more cool features. If you like real estate and dislike agents and the whole sales process, subscribe to their blog and stay on top of this stuff.

I love checking out prices. Here is my neighborhood. If you look closely you can see my dog out in the backyard.


  1. Pingback: Redeye VC
  2. Howard, first of all, I am a realtor and my name is Howard also. But…disruption possibilities could be good for both the consumer and the agent. Sure, many old line agents would prefer to keep all the info hidden, show only their listings and do all the old things – hey, they may as well bring back the paper mls books. The agents of tomorrow embrace technology and prefer an educated consumer.

    Now to Zillow, it is a great big move by them. As to Make Me Move, it’s wonderful fun. Zillow will get lots of listings from consumers and agent listings and they’ll get lots of eyeballs which is their intent because it’s ad supported. Now to (Z)estimates, this has been a big joke and will likely get much worse unless Zillow can get better statistical info. Quick example, I live in a very popular subdivision, construction started in 2001, currently over 400 homes built and 100 + transactions new and preowned in each of the last 4 years. Ask Zillow for my house’s value, they can’t even find the neighborhood. It doesn’t exist. So how can I believe any of the (Z)appraisals.

    Take any street in America, 2 similar properties via square feet, one is in pristine condition, has lots of upgrades and has a terrific view. The other is bare bones. Take a bet on what Zillow will have to say about value.

    The agent has info and can interpret it for his client. It doesn’t have to be a win for the agent at the expense of the client.

    Thanks, Howard Arnoff
    Charleston Real Estate Blog

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