All great stocks had their beginnings as IPO's, but not all IPO's are Great Stocks

A great place to look for new trends is the IPO section of Investor’s Business Daily. A great place to find early trending stocks is an IPO hitting all-time highs 6-months plus past it’s issue date. Using a 6-9 month rule will keep you out of more of the fluff and in more of the real winners…IMHO.

I remember when iRobot (IRBT) came public and ‘The Roomba’ was all the rage.

I asked my wife Ellen, the desert’s ‘trading goddess’ if we should buy one and she said why? I had no argument for that. I mean really? The George Foreman grill actually had some value and had a human smile behind the product.

I have a dog that licks up all my crumbs from the floor. Don’t need the robot although a George Foreman ‘Roomba” would be cute. My wife looks genius. We did not need the Roomba and we did not need the stock. Obviously lot’s of people do not need the ‘Roomba’ and no one wants the stock.

Try waiting the 6 months on an IPO and see if new highs persist after that. It would have kept you out of this mess ! Even if you waited a year on Google, that first big breakout past the lock-up would have you at a double today!


  1. Tomothy says:

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  2. candice says:

    The roomba is SO for the young single people demographic. Several of my friends have them, I’d have one too if my dog wouldn’t destroy the thing. (It would make for one of those stupid dog videos on youtube, but I’d be out the roomba…)

    I swear I meant to post this morning…

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