Apple Passes IBM WITHOUT China in the Mix…Apple is still Early

My friend Maoxian has an interesting post up on the top 25 brands in China:

1. BMW
2. Microsoft
3. Intel
4. Mercedes Benz
5. Coca Cola
6. IBM
7. Haier
8. Nokia
9. Wuliangye
10. Kweichou Moutai
11. Airbus
12. Porsche
13. Audi
14. Lenovo
15. Motorola
16. Wal-Mart
17. Boeing
18. Google
19. Tongrentang
20. Tsingtao
21. Pepsi
22. Siemens
23. Sony
24. Nike
25. General Motors

Microsoft, Intel and IBM are in the top 6. Steve Job’s needs to make a move here. I wonder what he has up his sleeve. Backdated options to Chinese officials are likely to work best and who knows this better than Steve :) ?

Disclosure- Long Apple


  1. Crawford says:

    Yesterday’s conf call included mention of plan to open 1st store in China in 08. No doubt that will again delay the opening of the store long planned but not begun on the West Side of Cleveland. Oh well, I guess I’ll have to move to Bejing after all.

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