Apple… Still Predictable… Still Beautiful… Still Hated

Oh man you have to love Steve Jobs…and Apple $aapl

He delivered again today with the new product announcements.

Everyone wants a microwave of consumer electronics…’The GINSU/Swiss Army POD’ and thank goodness he does not offer it.

Instead he will make you own the whole line…an iPhone, an iTouch (for just gaming), a Desktop, A Macbook, a Mac Mini, The new iPod Nano (looks wicked) , the little clip on doohickey pod…etc…

I am only surprised their was not an ‘iPod Liver’ announced today.

Apple owns free and Apple owns paid. The iPhone developers hate him because he would like to instill some rules to the chaos. Whatever!

Waaaaaa i want a tablet….Waaaa I want a camera…….Waaaaa I want my app approved….

Meanwhile, despite their imperfect behavior, Apple has built billion dollar segments from scratch (app store), in the face of immense legacy competition (iPhone) and from chaos (music).

Call me old fashioned, but I like the predictabillity of Apple and Steve Jobs. I like winners.

I am fine with paying up for the goodness.

I love Twitter too and it’s the opposite…free, careless, and every time I load…unpredictable. It’s getting to the point that it better be free forever, but I digress.

I believe the only mistake Steve Jobs made was not buying a near busted regional bank to one day take on the the banking industry and Wall Street…he still might.

Oh and AT&T…

You know what…I hate Apple for that one.


  1. JeffBarden says:

    Great idea -> Use the heaps of cash to capitalize and re-capitalize a regional bank that can be purchased today at a deep discount -> And, a team of Apple engineers build risk management and pricing models.

  2. JeffBarden says:

    Great idea -> Use the heaps of cash to capitalize and re-capitalize a regional bank that can be purchased today at a deep discount -> And, a team of Apple engineers build risk management and pricing models.

  3. mattrixDOTinfo says:

    I find it amusing that people like to hate Apple because they are so successful. It reminds me of the same types of people that get angry at the prices of food inside of places like Disneyland or a baseball stadium. If you don't like the prices (or rules Steve imposes) then don't buy, just watch and enjoy the show.

    I'd love to jump off a PC and switch to a Mac, but I'm nervous. I've been sucking from Microsoft's teat for too long and don't know how to wean myself away from them.

  4. andrewbaron says:

    Well, I wasnt being facetious, I know most companies have their pluses and minuses, and some I would never invest in due to moral reasons, just wondering if its moral, sentimental or a business reason?

  5. andrewbaron says:

    Well, I wasnt being facetious, I know most companies have their pluses and minuses, and some I would never invest in due to moral reasons, just wondering if its moral, sentimental or a business reason?

  6. andrewbaron says:

    Well, I wasnt being facetious, I know most companies have their pluses and minuses, and some I would never invest in due to moral reasons, just wondering if its moral, sentimental or a business reason?

  7. mattrixDOTinfo says:

    I find it amusing that people like to hate Apple because they are so successful. It reminds me of the same types of people that get angry at the prices of food inside of places like Disneyland or a baseball stadium. If you don’t like the prices (or rules Steve imposes) then don’t buy, just watch and enjoy the show.I’d love to jump off a PC and switch to a Mac, but I’m nervous. I’ve been sucking from Microsoft’s teat for too long and don’t know how to wean myself away from them.

  8. mattrixDOTinfo says:

    I find it amusing that people like to hate Apple because they are so successful. It reminds me of the same types of people that get angry at the prices of food inside of places like Disneyland or a baseball stadium. If you don’t like the prices (or rules Steve imposes) then don’t buy, just watch and enjoy the show.I’d love to jump off a PC and switch to a Mac, but I’m nervous. I’ve been sucking from Microsoft’s teat for too long and don’t know how to wean myself away from them.

  9. mattrixDOTinfo says:

    I find it amusing that people like to hate Apple because they are so successful. It reminds me of the same types of people that get angry at the prices of food inside of places like Disneyland or a baseball stadium. If you don't like the prices (or rules Steve imposes) then don't buy, just watch and enjoy the show.

    I'd love to jump off a PC and switch to a Mac, but I'm nervous. I've been sucking from Microsoft's teat for too long and don't know how to wean myself away from them.

  10. andrewbaron says:

    Well, I wasnt being facetious, I know most companies have their pluses and minuses, and some I would never invest in due to moral reasons, just wondering if its moral, sentimental or a business reason?

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