Freedom – The Internet and The Stock Market

Freedom baby.

Take a small moment and smile at all the possibilities.

There is nothing like it.

When I think of freedom TODAY, I think of the stock market and the internet. There is an amazing amount of GLOBAL conversation in the last week about two companies – one less than 2 years old (YouTube) and the other less than 10 (Google).

Forget whether the conversation is right or wrong – IT JUST IS! It is happening whether you are there or not.

You think Google is nuts – shut up and vote with your wallet – what an opportunity.

You think they are genius – go at it at $426/share and buy buy buy.

No money and just feel like bitching – BLOG. It is what I am doing.

So what’s the problem?

PS – Speaking of freedom – I CAN’T WAIT to see the Borat Movie. It looks HYYYYYsterical. Michael Hirschorn – head of production of MTV and VH1 had this to say in a great article about the merger: (Thanks Fred)

Sacha Baron Cohen’s new movie Borat may be the funniest comedy in a decade (its full title will give you a whiff of its comic mayhem: Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan). Cohen is best known for Da Ali G Show, which ran for two seasons on HBO and featured Borat as one of three recurring characters played by Cohen. (Like The Office, Ali G is a British import.) Borat is a hybrid comedy- documentary, mostly documentary, in which Borat, a fake Kazakh newsman, travels across America on a quest to forcibly take Pamela Anderson as his wife, all while producing a television show for Kazakhstan about the real America. Real America does not escape unscathed—not the USC fratboy who bemoans the end of slavery, nor the Pentecostals fooled by Borat’s preposterous religious conversion, nor the gun-shop owner who all-too-blithely recommends a .357 Magnum when Borat comes in asking for the best gun for shooting a Jew.

We are so repressed in the areas of sex, religion and race that Borat (Sacha) chases and finds way too easily. I wish I had the balls and ability to pull his stuff off.



  1. Jordan Glasner says:

    Borat is definitely a classic. When the Ali G show first came to the US, the interviews Borat would get were ridiculous.

    Ex-head of the CIA, ex-Secretary of State, ex-Surgeon General.

    I’m still amazed that he gets anyone to talk to him.

    Have you seen the episode where he goes to Charleston and hangs out w/ snotty, old-money from the south.


    YouTube to the rescue. It’s not the complete segment, but..

    “Are you a slave?” hahaha

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