I am sick of Copycats and the internet's chief copycatter – Calacanis

I finally have come to terms with the ONE THING that makes the web boring: COPYCATS!

The good news in the web world is that copycats won’t work if the leaders of the innovator’s continues to move forward.

Copycats don’t have MINDSHARE other than for a minute in the internet world.

My least favorite copycat at the moment is Jason Calacanis. I have blogged about it often.

In that vein, I thought CalacANUS was funny and deserved a reach out.

Someone has taken the already boring Netscape (Calacanis)/Digg war to a more creative level.

Once again, the internet is not boring. Creativity wins. Guys are getting knocked off every moment at every corner of the web and bouncing back stronger than ever.

Get used to it.



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