Phoenix is in the Limelight! AND seven more reasons to set up a Venture shop in the valley of the Sun.

I have been reading about Tempe based Limelight Networks for some time and they have gotten big enough to be sued by Akamai . Congrats!

Today, Goldman is whacking in $100 plus million. Somewhat surprisingly, they were not interested in my $100k topping off angel offer :) . Rats! And congrats! Lot’s more on the deal at Techmeme.

This is not a patent rant – but a breaking out party for Greater Phoenix (which includes Tempe).

I expect Phoenix to be a hotbed of tech and internet entrepreneurial activity in the next decade. There are many factors to consider:

1. It is growing rapidly with a diverse age group. Known for it’s old farts and Del Webb “Cacoon” like communities to house the farts, youngsters are flocking to the now “hip” (according to me) city.

2. SUN! Yes it is HOT in the summer, but we don’t have natural disasters, AND, it’s a dry heat (that is just a crock of shit but it works for me in this argument).

3. Improving schools – ASU (one alma mater) is fun, cool and has some great programs. Google is setting up a small building on the campus. Thunderbird, another alma mater, continues to rank as the best International Business School that nobody has heard of.

4. Great Airports – not just Sky Harbour but Scottsdale has a fantastic jet airport for the big hitters.

5. I expect all the real estate mavens to slowly diversify assets, but leave them in the city.

6. Intel and Motorola have major operations in the area and as their stocks languish, the inevitable brain drain will increase start-up activity and provide talent for management and new boards. I am networking like crazy to get mixed up with the “smartie pants” from these two local companies.

7. The deal flow in service businesses is thick and getting better in Phoenix – Tech will follow – especially with my crazy influential blog :)

It is an exciting time for Phoenix and a great place to live and raise a family. I love Toronto but am getting excited to get home and mix it up again.

Disclosure – Long Akamai


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