Why I like blogging – reason 4,567 AND someone please fix this verification box NOW

When it comes to blogging, I am a widget nut (4,567). I can’t help it. I need to try things out especially when they are free. It seems I have 10 widgets a day to try.

As a pampered jewish boy, I get faint in a Home Depot and will hyperventilate if I lose sight of the front door exit. Hammers are hardware TOOLS and they make me ill.

Software widgets made for bloggers make me look almost handy!

When it comes to leaving comments and participating in conversation, nothing aggravates me more than THE VERIFICATION BOX:

Please type the following to verify: 3dsTq21kkgf756erdrerugfuyioi

Is it just me or have they becoming longer and more difficult to get correct on the first two tries.

I want my readers to participate in conversations, not DREAD them!

It is one more reason I love WordPress blogs these days.

PS – I hope to see a lot of WordPress Bloggers in San Francisco next week. If you are there and want to meet, drop me an email.


  1. marco says:

    Howard – one of the things we want to do with coComment is develop an identity system, where commenters can increasingly establish their reputations as “trusted” commenters (ie not spammers) – which we hope will eventually contribute to a reduction in comment spam, and therefore eliminate the need for the dreaded verification box. First step is to get people to use the service though – and i notice your cocomment blog box is still not tracking your comments. Let us know if you need help getting it going!

  2. candice says:

    The dreaded verification box doesn’t really work that well anyway, with a mild quantity of dedication they can be defeated. Only a matter of time before that method hits the blogs full-scale.

    Some spammers post ‘by hand’ too.

    We have all been here before, too. Usenet, mail, this nonsense…

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