Tagged: Apple

How is The Dow at 13,000?

Better yet, how about the S&P so close to all-time highs. Obviously a cheap dollar and an export boom, but wow anyways. Take a look at the three month chart of Fannie Mae and Citibank . What about the homebuilder index . You would think the Dow would be below 10,000 with those charts. Basically, …

Deep Thoughts on The 'Rally'?

I love rallies. It is so American. Today we have the E-Trade Bottom. I have been waxing caution and patience the last week based on the price action and to some been downright bearish. Crazy since I only had bought puts yesterday (covered them this morning). The puts would have worked out if not for …


Here are stocks that are tempting me to add: Garmin RIMM SBUX Apple Blackstone VM/Ware or EMC (now underwater on EMC so I could just as well be stopped out right here) Gold stocks Selected Oils or OIH add Today, I was stopped out of Baidu and Google. I only owned tiny amounts as I …

Apple Accelerating

Amazing yes, but if you grow 67 percent this deep into a run, maybe it’s just not close to being over. I am thinking that Synaptics is just going to blow away numbers on November 1st as they are a supplier to all things Apple. The stock has had an amazing run, but the next …

Microsoft…Can't Stop Copying

It’s pretty pathetic that all the supposedly smart minds in Seattle can’t think for themselves. I was in the Apple store today (packed as usual and at an odd time) trying to buy Microsoft Office for a few new machines around the house and office. Of course, there was the $499 pack for old people …