Trends End…AND a Friendly Reminder on Brains and Bull Markets

Oh boy – remember this beauty from our friend Cramer. You gotta read it for the education.

The only thing to remember is that trends end. ALL OF THEM. Some end softly and some end up like most of those in Cramer’s New World speech.

See – Cramer was right on about the ‘New World’. He was part of the creation process. It’s just the stocks that lead now are different. In 5 years, the leaders of today like Apple, RIMM, Google, CROX etc… will likely be in much different growth patterns.

It comes down to money management and manging the risk as stocks in trends continue higher as they have been the last few years.

Shit – I sold CROX almost 10 points ago. I think they may have a cancer drug emitted from that rubber shoe :) . Lot’s more developing though and the all-time high list is packed.


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