Yoga on Wallstrip

Could not resist the gag at the end. Too easy.

Doing Yoga in Ian’s classes is a great work out and fun as hell. Problem is the 90 minute commitment. He has caught me on my Blackberry, sleeping and leaving after 60 minutes. I have not been to a class in 4 months or so – it shows.

After my first ever class in 2005, I asked Ian how to make money in the space. We talked about Gaiam and we both passed at $7 bucks. It went straight to $19. Maybe the next run will challenge the all-time highs in the low $20’s. They are definately the yoga product lifestyle leader.

If I were able to invest in Ian’s sister’s company Be present , I would. I am addicted to the clothes and wear them for working out, travel and sleep. In Canada, Lu Lu Lemon is the retail leader in the space and they charge a fortune for high quality yoga and fitness apparel. The stores are always packed. I personally do not like the fit or material.

I have bugged Ian to push his brand – Spiritual Gangster – further, but he is happy going at his own speed.

There are small fortunes being made of the lifestyle, but I have not found a direct way to play the boom with a stock at all-time highs.

Any ideas?

One comment

  1. Lindsay says:

    by the way, lulu lemon is also charging an arm and a leg in LA. saw a huge store there on Beverly when I was there a few weeks ago.

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