Tagged: Stock Market

How is The Dow at 13,000?

Better yet, how about the S&P so close to all-time highs. Obviously a cheap dollar and an export boom, but wow anyways. Take a look at the three month chart of Fannie Mae and Citibank . What about the homebuilder index . You would think the Dow would be below 10,000 with those charts. Basically, …

Trade Wars?

So the Canadian dollar has shot WAYYYY past par this week to $1.03 plus cents. It has careened out of control now that it has entered ‘no man’s land’ which has been well documented as a trend on this blog. It is fun to be right and catch a trend. This one has seemed too …

Financial Services on the Web

This is obviously a giant market. The big banks are in the game, Schwab, E-trade, Quicken, Yahoo Finance, Google Finance, The Street.com, even Wallstrip :) . Lately, there has been a ton of activity. Obviously, smart entrepreneurs think that the holy grail of web finance remains out there. Fred discusses some of the players and …

September Swoon?

This market rally sure feels thin. If I were a gambling man, I would say September should be a mess. I don’t gamble and I try to avoid trading based on feel. I do have some experience so my feel comes from the sour mood developing on Wall Street. Bonuses will likely suck. They should. …

It's High Noon for Bernanke

I guess all market eyes will be on Bernanke tomorrow. Phil says he’s between a rock and a hard place . I think maybe he will shave, or show up in a pair of CROX to deliver his speech…freaking out the market no matter what he says. I was reading Jimmy Kingsland’s blog tonight and …

Paychex on Wallstrip…Chaching!

Screw economic opinions…punch up PAYX and tap into the health of our economy. Judging from the company’s stock chart, we are an extremely healthy economy. What an awesome Company. I am sure there is some good old fashioned evil in their business and cash flow somewhere, but they make life pretty easy for small businesses …